I've seen a couple of 'misbehaving hosts' from NFO rce before, but after research that indicated many legit users chose that hosting for their low prices (aka 'notoriety') I thought they were legitimate after all. Thank you, great findings! I wish more people would carry the knowledge (of their inboxes) out into the world. This is an Anti-P2P enforcement bot - and again looks like they need two positive hits as evidence.

some partials with bi-directional traffic, and some SCUMBAG IP's "lurking" with NO FILES!
Spin up a clean Win10 instance, install v2.84 and see what happens: OK, so lets see how they send these notices I h.ave a go.od fai.th bel.ief th.at the inform.ation in this not.ice is accu.rate. subsid.iaries and affil.iates (collecti.vely, the "Rig.hts Own.ers"), th.e ow.ners o.f cert.ain exclu.sive inte.llectual prop.erty ri.ghts in the cop.yrighted wo.rk(s) ident.ified in this noti.ce. compa.nies C?S Broa.dcasting Inc., CB? Stu?dios Inc., Para_mount Pi_ctures Corpora_tion, Sh-ow-time Netw-orks Inc., Vi com Intern-ational, Inc., and oth.er Inc. I cert.ify und.er pena.lty of per.jury that I am au.thoriz.ed to ac.t on beh.alf of the Inc. Notice of Claimed Infringement - Case ID XX